B-AI MAG TUON TA! this Valentine’s Day 💗🦾🧠
Make AI your valentine’s date and get to know more of it in the educational setting through the ILC-LRC’s TechEd Series, B-ai Mag Tuon ta! 👩💻You will also get to interact and exchange ideas with our AI experts. 👨💼👩💼
As part of the university’s 29th Founding Anniversary celebration, there will be two discussions on AI for UP Mindanao students. For the morning session, “Revisiting AI in Education”, and in the afternoon, “AI for ALL: Ensuring Fair AI in Education”.
To register for the event, fill-out these Pre-Registration Forms:
Revisiting AI in Education: https://bit.ly/TechEdAIinEducation
AI for ALL: Ensuring Fair AI in Education: https://bit.ly/TechEdFairAI
See the photo for more details 👇To stay updated on future projects and events, like and follow UP Mindanao Interactive Learning Center/Learning Resource Center on Facebook, or visit: https://www.facebook.com/ilclrcupmindanao.
For inquiries and queries, send us a message here on Facebook or email us at
Source: UP Mindanao Interactive Learning Center/Learning Resource Center Facebook