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UP Manila’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Basic IACUC Training Online Course

September 23 - October 7

The UP Manila’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee invites the UP Manila community to join the Free Basic IACUC Online Training this upcoming September 23 to October 7, 2024. This asynchronous and self-paced online course will discuss topics on animal welfare, legal bases, the institutional animal care and use committee, and the fundamentals of animal use in research. A certificate of completion will be awarded to the participants who complete the online module and pass 70% of the assessment within the given timeframe.

Register through bit.ly/4gtUcKI or scan the QR code found in the poster.

For more information and other concerns, kindly contact the IACUC Secretariat at [email protected]. The office hours are Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or you can visit and follow their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/iacucupmnl for future activities and services.

Source: University of the Philippines Manila Facebook


September 23
October 7