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“ICEHS 2023: Cultivating Communities of Practice Toward Systems-based Health Professions Education”

July 27, 2023 @ 8:00 am - July 28, 2023 @ 5:00 pm

The NTTCHP UP Manila invites all health professions teachers, researchers, leaders, and health professionals to “ICEHS 2023: Cultivating Communities of Practice Toward Systems-based Health Professions Education”

27-28 July 2023

This conference highlights the importance of creating and sustaining communities of practice or CoPs of people sharing a common passion or interest that promote learning, innovation and collaboration in health systems science and its incorporation into health professions education (HPEd).

It will run on an online platform to ensure accessibility, affordability, and flexibility. This is for health professions teachers, researchers, leaders, and health professionals across the globe.

1. Explain how health systems science strengthens health systems and improves health outcomes
2. Integrate systems-based thinking in HPEd
3. Discuss effective approaches for creating and sustaining CoPs in HPEd
4. Identify relevant domains of COPs for HP educators and health professionals
5. Commit to participate in a CoP to promote systems-based HPEd

Topics include:
Strengthening health systems through systems thinking
Contemporary experiences with health systems building blocks
Systems-based HPEd and health systems
Building CoPs in HPEd
Identifying domains in COPs toward systems-based HPEd
Networking and collaboration

For details, visit the conference website: bit.ly/3LaoYuC or email icehs2023@gmail.com

Source: University of the Philippines Manila Facebook


July 27, 2023 @ 8:00 am
July 28, 2023 @ 5:00 pm