The Upsilon Sigma Phi congratulates Dr. Philip Niño P. Tan-Gatue 2019 for being appointed as a member of the National Certification Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine (NCCTCM), under the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC), an attached agency of the Department of Health.
The NCCTCM is responsible for certifying traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and Chinese medicine dispensers. It also oversees the accreditation of traditional Chinese medicine training centers and clinics in the country.
Fellow Philip concurrently works as a clinical associate professor at the UP-PGH Department of Family and Community Medicine.
He graduated with a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of the Philippines College of Medicine in 2002. Fellow Philip also obtained certificates in acupuncture from Nanjing University of traditional Chinese medicine in 2005 and certificates in herbal medicine from China Academy of China Medical Sciences in 2010.
Congratulations, Brod!
Source: Upsilon Sigma Phi FB page