UPOU: Senior Research Assistant

URGENTLY NEEDED: One (1) Senior Research Assistant

Rate: 23,079.76/month

The Senior Research Assistant is expected to provide support in the processes, activities and services of the Dean’s Office through the Secretary to the Faculty.


  • Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job;
  • Good communication skills (Oral and Written) in English/li>
  • Keen to details, can work with less supervision, and proficient in time management/li>
  • Facility in the use of office computer software (e.g. MS Word, MS Excel, Powerpoint, Photoshop, Illustrator) and the Internet/li>
  • Other qualifications and skills should include: A strong knowledge in Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop will be at your advantage./li>

Interested parties should email the following on or before March 9, 2022 to fmds.fsec.support@upou.edu.ph.

  • Application letter addressed to the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Management and Development Studies
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Valid Transcript of Records and/or any proof of graduation

Interested parties should email the requirements on or before 9 March 2022 to fmds.fsec.support@upou.edu.ph.

Source: https://www.upou.edu.ph/announcement/job-vacancy-senior-research-assistant