UP Alumni Website


Created in 1961 and established in 1964 under the Office of the President, the Office of Alumni Relations (OAR) serves as the link between the alumni and the rest of the academic community. The OAR seeks to encourage the maximum participation, involvement, support, and commitment of the alumni to the University of the Philippines’ social mission. It assists the UP and its Alumni Association (UPAA) in identifying, cultivating, and involving the alumni in institutional and alumni programs, events and activities. It also represents the UP and the UPAA at institutional and alumni programs, events, and activities both locally, on-and off-campus, and foreign venues whenever possible.


Its objectives include:

  • to ensure quality service for the UP and its Alumni
  • to actively promote a positive image of the UP to its Alumni
  • to maintain the loyalty, goodwill, and support of the Alumni to the University’s programs and projects
  • to encourage, facilitate, and enhance professional and social networking between UP, UPAA, and Friends



The UPS-OAR serves as an active link between UP alumni and the rest of the academic community in order to encourage the maximum participation, involvement, support, and commitment of these individuals to the goals and mission of the University of the Philippines (UP).




To effectively act as a liaison between UP and its external publics, especially its alumni — to ensure their active participation, involvement, support and commitment vis-à-vis UP’s social mission.


OAR Directors                                                                                                             Term



Tomas S. Fonacier (Executive Director)                                                                  1964 – 1973


May M. Caballero-Dumlao                                                                                     1973 – 1982


Armando D. Alvarez (OIC-Director)                                                                       1982 – 1984 


Leonardo D. De Castro                                                                                          1984 – 1989


Fe L. Rodriguez-Arcinas                                                                                         1989 – 1993


Sonia M. Joaquin-Valenciano                                                                                 1994 – 1996


Carmelita S. Caparros-Ramirez                                                                              1997 – 2003


Priscelina Patajo-Legasto (AVPPA and Director)                                                    2003 – 2005


Lydia T. Rodriguez-Arcellana (AVPPA and Director)                                               2005 – 2011


Jose Wendell P. Capili (AVPPA and Director)                                        10 February 2011 – 1 March 2017


Ranjit Singh Rye (AVPPA and Director)                                                 1 March 2017 – 31 December 2017


Jose Wendell P. Capili (AVPPA and Director)                                         1 January 2018 – 28 April 2019


Ma. Angelica D. Abad (AVPPA and Director)                                       29 April 2019 – 10 February 2023


Jeanette L. Yasol-Naval (AVPPA and Director)                                     1 April 2023 – 31 September 2023


Karen Connie M. Abalos-Orendain, Ph.D (Director)                            October  2023 – 31 August 2024


OAR Services for Alumni


  • Maintains Data Bank of Alumni Records
  • Recognizes Alumni Achievements
  • Collects and Disseminates News/Information
  • Assists the UPAA in Fund Campaigns, Homecomings & Reunions, Scholarships, Professorial Chairs & Faculty Grants
  • Networks with Alumni Chapters and Friends
  • Publishes and updates The Carillon (Official Alumni Magazine) and sends out monthly newsletter
  • Manage events relating to fostering alumni relations such as the Gawad Oblation, alumni council meeting, and other activities
  • Support OARs of various constituent universities 




Organizational Chart



Privacy Notice for Alumni

You may access the Privacy Notice for Alumni by clicking this LINK.


Guidelines on Posting on OAR website


1. All accredited Alumni Associations, OAR in CUs, UP Offices and Individual Alumni may submit their request for posting through email at up.alumnioffice@up.edu.ph

2. Stories and/or photos must be related to alumni activities*

3. Photos must be sent with short description

4. Once approved by in charge staff, you will receive the link of the posted material through your email.


What to post in the alumni page:

In Memoriam: UP alumni who passed away
*submitted post must have written permission of any family member

Events Calendar/Projects: Activities of Accredited UP Alumni Associations (local & international) and OAR CUs
*complete details of the program/project/activity with your chapter’s contact information where your intended participants and guests may contact you directly for queries and other concerns
*Brochure/Infographic/Flyer of your event.

News/Announcements: UPAA Awards, Homecoming, UP system projects, Annual Awarding Ceremony

Stories: Featuring the achievements and milestones of UP alumni; and initiatives of OAR in all CUs

Gallery: Photos of visiting Officers from different UPAA chapters with UP Officials, events of OAR in all CUs