Call for Content Contributors and Volunteers for the 50 years of UP Tacloban

Call for Content Contributors and Volunteers for the 50 years of UP Tacloban

The University of the Philippines (UP) Tacloban is celebrating its 50th Founding Anniversary on 23 May 2023. As part of the celebration, the College is launching a series of activities starting in July 2022.

We are calling on our alumni and current students to contribute content and volunteer for UP Tacloban’s 50th Founding Anniversary celebration.

Alumni can contribute through the following projects (you can join one or both):

1. Alumni Fridays presents Throwback UP Tac – Alumni Fridays will be launched as a new program on Bátì UP Tacloban ( Its pilot series is “Throwback UP Tac”, a series of online videos featuring our alumni. The series will run from July 2022 to May 2023.

2. Participative Online Photo Exhibit – This is a collaborative project of photographs featuring the campus and activities on campus at different points in our history as an institution. If you have any photographs or memorabilia that can be photographed, they will be valuable contributions to the UP Tacloban history archive.

If you would like to contribute content, please accomplish this form:

Our current students can volunteer for the production teams. Volunteers will help put the productions together and coordinate with participants for the entire celebration.

If you would like to volunteer, please accomplish this form:

If you have questions, send us a message or email at

Source: UPV Tacloban College Facebook