UP Alumni Website

Rakugo in English

Image from the AC Facebook page Witness the “Rakugo in English,” a traditional Japanese storytelling, on Nov. 23, Thursday, 6 p.m., at the UP Diliman Asian Center (AC) Auditorium. This […]

UP Baguio NSTW 2023 Celebration Day 4

Check out the complete list of speakers and their topics for the UP Baguio NSTW 2023 celebration! We can’t wait to see you there. PS: For Face-to-face talks, participants can […]

Interface Evolution Problems

Image from the UP Diliman Institute of Mathematics Facebook page Everyone is invited to the lecture “Interface Evolution Problems” on Nov. 24, Friday, 1:30 p.m., at the MBAN AVR1, UP […]

#VAWFREEPH: A Public Forum and Self Defense Training

In observance of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (EVAW), the UPV Gender and Development Program and the Ugsad Regional Gender Resource Network, in partnership with the Bangko […]