Written by Arlyn VCD Palisoc Romualdo

The University of the Philippines (UP) emerged as the top performing school in the Board of Accountancy’s May 2023 Licensure Examination for Certified Public Accountants (CPA). This was announced by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on May 30, when it released the official results.
Out of the 59 exam takers from UP, 55 passed—a passing percentage of 93.22. The top performing school, as determined by the PRC, must have a minimum passing percentage of 80 with at least 50 examinees. In the previous CPA licensure exam held in October 2022, UP had a passing percentage of 88.24. It did not, however, meet the required number of examinees as it only had a total of 34 exam takers, 30 of whom passed.
UP Diliman’s Cesar E.A. Virata School of Business offers the five-year Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Accountancy program, which accepts anywhere from 60 to 90 students each academic year.
Source: https://up.edu.ph/up-tops-cpa-licensure-exam-performance/