UPOU to Offer 4 New Associate Programs this 2023

UP Open University will offer four new Associate programs this 2023. The UP Board of Regents has approved the implementation of the following programs:

  1. Associate of Arts in Digital Design and Art
  2. Associate of Arts in Digital Entrepreneurship
  3. Associate of Science in Information Technology
  4. Associate of Science in Instructional Design and Technology

The Associate of Arts/Science programs of UPOU are two-year pre-baccalaureate degree programs that ladderize to Baccalaureate degrees. This serves as UPOU’s contribution to addressing the gaps in skills, knowledge and competencies that should have been acquired during the Senior High School (SHS) and National Certificates (NC) I to IV. This is in pursuit of UPOU’s mandate to offer quality higher education. Graduates are expected to complete 72 units, that is, 30 units of GE Courses (21 units of required GE, and 9 elective GE courses), 3 units of Government mandated courses (including PE and NSTP), 12 units of common courses at UPOU, and 27 units of specialization courses.

Associate of Arts in Digital Design and Art (AADDA)

This is a two-year pre-baccalaureate degree program that directly ladderizes to the Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Studies. It encompasses different disciplines in Information and communication supplemented by GE courses.

The AADDA aims to address the growing demand for highly qualified and innovative digital creatives/designers that can cater to both national and international clients, whether employed in the private or public sector. UPOU designs the program to ensure that graduates have the appropriate technical skills to create digital creative and design outputs, and possess humanistic, critical, development-oriented, and multidisciplinary perspectives.

Associate of Arts in Digital Entrepreneurship (AADE)

The AADE program aims to provide an academic space for aspiring entrepreneurs in the digital landscape. The degree program is also open for students who wish to integrate innovations in their businesses or pursue a career or opportunities related to digital innovations. The AADE program supplements and continues the exposure of students to the entrepreneurial subjects introduced in SHS.

The program envisions its graduates becoming knowledgeable on the digital and technological aspects of entrepreneurship. Since the pandemic has been a pivotal shift in global technological transformation, the demand for digital professionals has significantly increased. UPOU prides itself on offering the country’s most innovative undergraduate digital entrepreneurship program.

Associate of Science in Information Technology (ASIT)

The Associate of Science in Information Technology is a foundational degree program on computing concepts, algorithms, and new developments in Information Technology. The high demand for talent inspired UPOU to offer a unique Information Technology program catering to Filipino students who cannot pursue a Baccalaureate degree.

The program differentiates itself from Baccalaureate and postgraduate programs through focusing on the principles of computing without the underpinnings of computer science theory and mathematics. This aims to train students to become well-rounded computing professionals and become versatile workers in different fields.

Associate of Science in Instructional Design and Technology (ASIDT)

The ASIDT program will enable the students to enter the Education workforce by being knowledgeable in Instructional design. This program focuses on ID of learning experiences within Organizational contexts. The need for formal education on ID and Instructional technology arises in response to the emerging needs and demands of eLearning, flexible, remote and blended learning, and other modalities. The ASIDT program emphasized a practice-based approach.

UPOU aims to produce students who can penetrate the education workforce as Instructional Design assistants, training associates, members of the performance management team, and other related careers.

The offering of new Associate degree programs in UPOU opens new opportunities for learners to pursue quality higher education in response to the emerging demand of the workforce for digital professionals. In total, UPOU now has 5 Associate programs available for Filipino students. All the programs will be delivered via Open and Distance eLearning, offering students flexibility. Each program is designed by the university to provide specific skills and competencies needed to qualify in the careers of their own choosing. The graduates may opt to pursue a Baccalaureate degree in the University by choosing a Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Studies or a Bachelor of Education Studies.

Through this, UPOU seeks to empower new generations of learners to be more competitive and resilient amid the challenges. It inspires to pioneer more innovative programs in the coming years.

To apply, visit the UPOU OUR Website. You may also contact UPOU Admissions Office via email admissions@upou.edu.ph or at (049) 536 6001 to 06 loc. 199.

You may also visit the UPOU’s Facebook page for more information.