The UP Padayon Public Service Office recently released their October-December 2023 reports showing the various public service activities of UP Constituent Universities (UP CUs). These are highlights from the different alumni groups of each UP CU.
UP alumni organizations such as UP Baguio Alumni Volunteers and Friends (UPAVF) offered legal assistance to the general public.
UP Medical Alumni Society in America (UPMASA) arranged Neurographica Art Therapy to promote mental health.
UP Alumni Association in British Columbia (UPAABC) initiated a scholarship program.

UP Baguio University Student Council in collaboration with Sigma Delta Pi Sorority (EDT) and Sigma Kappa Pi Fraternity (EKT) Alumni Association – UP Baguio Chapter held a “Kapihan” event for students.
The Office of Alumni Relations, the UPLB Alumni Association (UPLBAA), and the UP College of Agriculture Class of 1960 initiated the Pili Drive Legacy Project, a project that aims to adorn the iconic Pili Drive with more pili trees.
Read more about the project on the UPLB website
The UP Manila College of Medicine ’98, UP Medical Alumni Association, and UP Manila College of Medicine Postgraduate Institute of Medicine partnering in the last quarter of 2023 to provide the public with several educational webinars covering various medical updates and themes.
Read More about the UP Med Webinar

Visit the UP Med Webinars Facebook page
Read the other CUs’ Report
UP Cebu
UP Diliman
UP Mindanao
UP Visayas
UP Padayon Public Service Office relies heavily on each CU’s social media and website for their report. If there are initiatives that are not posted but would like to be included in their report, please get in touch with them at [email protected].