Let’s offer a prayer for our departed alum. May he rest in peace.
If you have heard or read about any fellow UPLB alum who passed away, please inform us through https://alum.uplb.edu.ph/submit-obituary
Source: UPLB Office of Alumni Relations Facebook
Daniel Oliver O. Tan (BS Biology 2000)
Let’s offer a prayer for our departed alum. May he rest in peace.
If you have heard or read about any fellow UPLB alum who passed away, please inform us through https://alum.uplb.edu.ph/submit-obituary
Source: UPLB Office of Alumni Relations Facebook
UPLB OAR, UPLBAA conclude UPLB-Alumni-Industry Summit webinar series

The Office of Alumni Relations (OAR), in partnership with the UPLB Alumni Association (UPLBAA), concluded the six-part UPLB-Alumni-Industry Summit webinar series entitled “Academe-Alumni-Industry Linkages: What UPLB Can Offer.” on Nov. 5 via video conference.
The last installment of the webinar series was opened with Dr. Cristino M. Collado, summit over-all chair, discussing the highlights of the past webinars and what will be discussed in sixth and last installment.
The first panelist, Dr. Marilyn B. Brown, director of the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology or BIOTECH, discussed the overview of the institute’s history, programs, and innovative technologies. She highlighted how BIOTECH products aim to improve the quality of life of Filipinos.
Dean Marlo D. Mendoza of the College of Forestry and Natural Resources (CFNR) introduced the College; its vision, mission, core competencies, and technologies.
He also talked about the areas of concern that CFNR will move into in the future which include nanotechnology, biocomposites, engineered bamboo, bioenergy, and green building design.
The dean of the College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT), Dr. Rossana Marie C. Amongo, for her part, introduced CEAT and what it can offer.
She mentioned CEAT’s vision, mission, the technologies it has developed, as well as the process flow of technology generation.
After the talk of the panelists, the floor was opened for questions that included concerns about technology, commercialization, and policies.
Dr. Maria Claret L. Tsuchiya, a faculty member at the Institute of Biological Sciences, reiterated in her synthesis that the vision, mission, and mandates of the three units are similar as they all want to produce graduates who can achieve excellence in the field of natural resources. She also talked about UPLB technologies’ strengths and their challenges.
UPLBAA President Mauro W. Barradas ended the webinar by stating how the graduates should be encouraged to become entrepreneurs with the technologies they have in UPLB.
The webinar series was a prelude to the first-ever UPLB-Alumni-Industry Summit on Nov. 6. Videos of the webinars and the summit may be viewed on the OAR FB page (fb.com/UPLBAlumniRelations). Kyle Ramiel Dalangin
Source: https://bit.ly/3kmHQbP
UPLB Office of Alumni Relations launches its official Alumni magazine

Padayon is the official alumni magazine of the UPLB Office of Alumni Relations.
You may view the first issue at https://alum.uplb.edu.ph/PadayonMag_Jan-Jun21 or visit the UPLB OAR website: https://oar.uplb.edu.ph.